Dmitry Masleev’s Piano Master Classes. Day 2: A Journey Towards Musical Excellence

On July 8, 2023, we had a second day of master classes with the pianist Dmitry Masleev, the Foundation Educational Academy Piano program curator.
Five young talented students from Yerevan State Conservatory performed pieces by Rachmaninoff, Shostakovich, Schumann, and L.van Beethoven. Dmitry spent more than an hour with each student. Master classes ended with the Foundation team favorite formate: a round table. Everyone was intited to participate in the discussion, or to ask Dmitry a question. We thank our Piano program curator, pianist Dmitry Masleev, for sharing his expertise and knowledge!
This learning opportunity wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our partners, and the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra team.
Check the photos here.