Irina Krasotina, Professor of the P.I. Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory will be giving masterclasses for ensemble and a lecture in Yerevan on September 27, 2023.
During the masterclasses, in addition to the artistic advice and guidance, Professor Krasotina will provide her opinion on the following issues:
• The learning dialogue as a form of educational process organization.
• Autocommunication and its advantages in the process of mastering a piece.
• Formation of performing skills of young musicians.
• Fostering the aspiration towards the creative search of a student.
The lecture will be focused on the Artist’s Approach to the Reading Of Musical Text, and will cover the following topics:
• The approaches to musical notation reading.
• Structural-compositional and performing techniques of musical expression.
• Organization of independent work of students.
• An integrated approach to teaching a performing musician.
All participants will be able to ask questions and share their opinions during the discussion after the lecture.
Date & Time: Master classes in Yerevan on September 27, 2023 • 11:00
Venue: Yerevan, Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall
Language: Russian
Admission: FREE for everyone, registration required

Ms. Krasotina felt her passion for classical music when she was six and started her piano studies at seven. Her international performing career was launched after numerous Russian and international piano competitions. She was a laureate of international competitions in Italy (Senigallia, 1992; Ragusa, 1993; Trani, 1997), E. Granados Barcelona International Competition (Spain, 2001), A. Roussel Sofia International Competition (Bulgaria, 1996), D. Lipatti Bucharest International Competition (Romania, 1997) among the others. In many of those, she later served as a jury member.
Irina Krasotina holds the Professor position at the P.I. Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory and a Ph.D. in Art History. She is the Head of the Ensemble Department at Ippolitov-Ivanov State Musical Pedagogical Institute. Ms. Krasotina also received a Master of Spanish Music degree from the Marshall Academy (Barcelona), a class of the legendary Spanish pianist Alicia de Larrocha.
Among her recent projects are the publication of her new “Issues of Ensemble Performance” monography as long as the launch, together with Mr. Vasily Pasetchnik, the new Ensemble chamber music project where she also holds the Artistic Director position. The Ensemble project explores the history of cultural connections between European countries through chamber music. It aims to reveal fascinating historical details supported by academic research and to offer insights into the mutual inspiration that contributed significantly to the development of chamber music.
Irina Krasotina regularly performs recitals in Russia and abroad. She collaborated with conductor Felix Korobov, as well as with Evgeny Petrov (clarinet), Nikita Boriso-Glebsky (violin), Alexander Ramm (cello), Artyom Dervoed (classical guitar), Stanislav Davydov (horn), Philipp Nodel (oboe), to mention a few.
Ms. Krasotina has been teaching since 2003. Her students are the laureates and winners of the prestigious International Chamber Ensemble Competitions in Russia, Spain, and the UK. She is also the author of 18 tutorials and treatises focused on ensemble performance studies, Spanish music, “Chamber Ensemble” discipline educational programs, and publications based on her Enrique Granados. Piano Heritage dissertation. She is a speaker and an organizer of several international conferences dedicated to Spanish music and modern music education in Russia and abroad issues.